Here is the first of many…

My first blog post.

I am still not too sure why I wanted to start a blog. Impulse maybe? Or it may have started when I was sitting in my dining room and a conversation started up of whether therapy is something that really helps people or if it’s just somewhere you can pay to be listened too.

As the conversation went on, everyone involved came to agree on one thing. Whether we thought therapy was beneficial or not (there were very different opinions and thoughts on this subject. Maybe it’s something to discuss in a future blog post…), we all agreed that having an outlet to express/share your thoughts and emotions is extremely important.

If you know me personally, you already know that I am very guarded with my personal life and tend to not share more than I feel is most necessary (whether that’s in peron or in writing). But as I browsed through online articles and other blogs I found, I thought maybe in writing it would be easier to share the things I like, what weighs heavy in my heart, or just the first thing that pops up in my mind (BEWARE, many brain dumps may occur).

So whether this is the last blog post you will read of mine or you have decided to join me on this new adventure,

I hope my thoughts, adventures, and whatever else seems fit to share is as therapeutic and healing for you as I hope it will be for me.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. I eagerly await your next post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. yajrilili says:

    Lets start this adventure together!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Breezy says:

    Adventure is out there!

    Liked by 1 person

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